Data Security Concerns

Security Concerns for Data Analytics.

There is a sense of paranoia that exists among individuals regarding any thing that has the semblance of someone having access to any personal information.  With the rise of data based marketing, there is no doubt in mind about the concerns of data security and privacy, especially the fact that information is gathered from multiple electronic devices including those that are Wi-Fi accessible.  Information collected tells a lot about how particular consumers shop or search for potential purchasing opportunities and also different activities that does not necessarily deals with purchasing. Data can tell particular patterns of an individual and this will generally lead to concerns about the safe handling of the information; especially in the age of sophisticated hackers who can use information to create havoc in people’s lives.

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Companies engaging in Data Analytics should make every effort to protect the information of consumers. In the Financial Industry there are ethical standards that govern accounting practices. There should be similar standards for companies that gather certain information about people. The misuse of any information can be damaging therefore there should be guidelines on how data collection is handled. Trying to get a competitive advantage in business may cause companies to overlook how they conduct certain practices, for this reason there should be ethical commitments these organizations. 


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