Retail marketers using Big Data to Improve Consumer Satisfaction

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amount of data available for retail marketers is a high in volume and there is no doubt that for the very near future it will increase. With the perception that the amount of data available will increase, companies will need to ensure that measures are in place to get the most beneficial or right information to make strategic decisions. Big Data provides an in-depth understanding of customers’ actions and trends in the marketplace which has invaluable benefits in the retail industry. Marketers have the ability to utilize data to remain competitive especially in an environment that requires innovation on a constant basis.

The use of big data can influence how marketers reach the needs of their customers especially in the area of service and satisfaction. Marketers have the capability of offering their customers deals and promotions as soon as data is analyzed. Customers can be targeted based on multiple factors including location; purchasing habits and weather pattern are just a few.
  • ·         Location presents an opportunity to target present and potential customers in a particular area with promotions and deals for that specific group.
  • ·        Purchasing habits will allow marketers to target different groups with the products or specific time they purchase by offering deals that align itself accordingly. Purchasing habits cover a wide area because this could also include seasonal, ways of purchasing etc. So a promotion or deal could target any of the above mentioned.
  • ·         Weather pattern can also influence how promotions are positioned; for example in times of severe snow storms customers may utilize their deal offerings if it has to do with deliveries. Some drivers fear driving in a bad weather and if a fast food restaurant offers a deal for a certain percentage off their purchase then customers will take full advantage of the promotion.

 Marketers in the past did not have tools in place to gather information on customer habit in real time. Understanding customers pattern in shopping has become very easy when compared to the days when researching was done in groups with pen and paper. With technological advancement retailers possess the ability to continuously track their customers even after their purchase is complete. Data is gathered even before the actual purchase is completed and importantly trends are attached to these customers. Search engines create knowledge of where consumer interest is because they can be tagged to see what they might potentially purchase and from whom. This experience is also captured in store because of the mechanism that allows retailers to track “walk in” customers.
Customers as well are becoming aware that data is gathered and stored with different aspects about their lives. Information is readily accessible so consumers are able to read about big data and other trends that are taking place in the world. The issue of trust then becomes a concern among consumers. 

 Retailers should be cognizant of these concerns and although Big Data is used to improve customer service they must also try to reduce or eliminate fear. Customers’ information need to be respected and protected at all cost.  Some companies have moved ahead and there is special departments’ setup to deal with potential hackers or intruders. One I have had personal interaction with is my bank which has a department to handle phishing.  Some of the messages that are sent to your phone look real but they are hackers trying to infiltrate. This to me is customer satisfaction at work because it shows that your personal interest is being protected.

When customers feel that they are being exploited it is almost impossible for them to become loyal to your brand. To have a life long relationship with a customer, retailers have to ensure that the consumer’s interest is of paramount importance and that they are not being manipulated just for monetary gains. Big Data analytics is a force that can be used to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty and facilitate a life-long relationship.
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