What are the GOALS for your data?
It is natural for most
human beings set and accomplish different goals, whether educational; business
oriented or for their families there is always timelines involved in pursuant of
a specific result. These similar rules apply to digital analytics where
accomplishing specific results are based off the desired goals that are set.
Success is normally the expected result for any goal oriented event.
In a world that has
become more technologically oriented there is a high percentage of business
that is conducted online, through website interaction present and potential
consumers have the ability to browse for information, make appointments and
make purchases by the stroke of a key or tapping on a smart device. In digital
analytics we realize that businesses are required to measure the effectiveness
of their websites. There has to be goals in place which will enable a business
to attain information if objectives a specific objective is being accomplished.
We can ask the
question; “what sense does it make to have a website if it has no effect on
your business?” There are numerous goals that you would want to attain to
ensure effectiveness for example; time spent on site visits, new users,
returning users just to name a few but most importantly the rate of conversion.
Conversion adds value to your business especially
with a monetary value because as we all know profitability is the most
important for any individual or corporation to invest in a business venture.
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